Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Pictures of Anne Marie (20)!

In January, I posted about two girls in Alina's orphanage. Nadia (known as Nadine on RR) is already with her forever family.

Anne Marie is still waiting, though, and she is four already. She is in desperate need of a family. If you have had your eye on Anne Marie, don't wait any longer! If you are just seeing her for the first time, look closer ;)...could she be yours?? She's darling, and she is very close to being transferred. Someone, please, GO GET HER.

**There are a handful of families who have recently adopted from this orphanage, and we have loads of helpful tips and information for the family who commits to Anne Marie :)!
Plus, there is a family at this orphanage right now who has seen Anne Marie in person and will answer questions about her! **

Anne Marie (20)
Girl, Born November 25, 2005

Look at this beautiful princess!! She is blowing you KISSES! Anne Marie has been waiting far too long for a loving family of her own. So many of her friends from this orphanage have already been adopted, and she continues to watch each of them leave with their new "forever family". Hope someone will consider Anne Marie! Miss Anne Marie does have a heart murmur that should be checked once home. From an adoptive family who visited with her in June 2010: "Anne Marie is a happy child, she is aware, interactive, and very sweet! She will do so well in a family. She has the most striking blue eyes!"

I have $1075 in my grant fund
towards the cost of my adoption!


  1. She is so beautiful and PLUS that region is FAST!!! Someone PLEASE go get her!!!!

  2. Yes, this is typically a VERY FAST REGION. This is the same baby home where Alina is from. It seems to be a very nice orphanage, where the children get good medical care and have access to therapists.

    I am happy to answer any questions about the city or orphanage where Anne Marie is living!

  3. Here right is a great place to be.Someone come get sweet AnnMarie. If you want to follow our journey for a current closer look at another region adoption, go to:


  4. Oh how I love this sweet girl... I have her button on my blog and think of her every day.

    Beautiful pictures as well! My heart jumped when I saw them!! : )


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