Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Week of Preschool Re-cap

From the preschool teacher: 

The girls are doing GREAT! Both of them have really surprised me. Bridget is such a different little girl than she was last fall - following directions, using her words, I can even have a conversation with her... I LOVE IT! Alina has adjusted so well, too. She is a bright little girl. I am amazed by how well she seems to understand and follow directions. She LOVES circle time and is very attentive to what is happening in front of her. All in all, they are off to a great start!  The girls had a WONDERFUL week - you would be so proud of both of them! You are more than welcome to pop in any time or even just watch through the window. They are doing great things!


  1. I know it warmed your Mama's heart to read such a great report about BOTH of your girls.

    Alina's hair is getting so long!!! So is Nadia's. I even put it in pigtails the other day. Of course they stuck straight out like Pippi Longstocking but we're getting there. :)

  2. What a glowing report. That would sure put a smile on this mommy's face:)

  3. I take it they are in the same class? That's so neat! Both of them are just beautiful. So glad they are enjoying school :o)

  4. So glad to hear she is adjusting well! She's a doll!

  5. Alina is living life to the fullest, taking everything in. I love the looks she gives for the camera!!!Adorable:)

  6. Yay, yay, yay! What a great report. And so amazing to think of where Alina is now....loved, learning, thriving....compared to where she was just a few months ago.


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